Core values govern the culture and sets structure to our behavior and character.
A Culture of Love
We will always strive to love you and deal with you out of love.
Jesus said love your neighbour as you love yourself. It is very important for you to love yourself, receive Gods love and receive our love.
We expect you to keep love at the centre of all that you are and all you do
Empowering Versus a Controlling Culture
We have a very empowering culture and work hard not to have a controlling culture.
That means we will work hard to call out the destiny in you and empower you to reach your full potential.
An empowering culture has honour and respect as its core values.
A controlling culture means you’re motivated extremely by the fear of others.
A controlling culture has dear and punishment as its core value.
You will never reach your full potential until you take responsibility for your own personal greatness.
As long as you perform so that you don’t get into trouble you haven’t taken responsibility for your own life.
We will never work harder to solve your problems than you do .
We will solve problems with you, but not for you.
We expect you to give an account for your life to your overseers whenever you are asked.
Learn to trust someone more than you trust yourself.
Faith is spelled ‘R-I-S-K’
If you want to grow, you must take a risk.
If you don’t fail once in a while, you are not taking enough risks (obviously, we are not talking of moral character failures).
When you are asked to do some daring act by the leadership, we strongly prefer you don’t decline.
Life flows from honour
We have been called to a rectangular table; not a round table where all have an equal voice. There are levels of honour in the Kingdom. Take the low spot like James says and let the host move you up.
Always deal with God, your leaders, yourself and each other with honour and respect.
Don’t choose your behaviour out of fear that you will be punished. Do the right things because you don’t want to disappoint God, your leaders and yourself.
We have a confrontational culture. If you do something we think needs to be adjusted, we will talk to you about it.
If any leader in our environment does something that you think needs adjusted, you are invited to go to them privately and talk to them. Don’t talk to others about an issue until you have first talked to the person that offended you. If this does not go well you may then request to speak to them with their supervisor.
Supernatural Power
You are in a culture that expects the supernatural to happen often.
You will find yourself in situation where is God doesn’t do a miracle, it won’t work out right. These are the times to press in and pray.
You will be expected to talk in the supernatural power of God, Get used to it.
You are royalty, princess and princesses of the King.
ou are not paupers. Learn to think and live out of your new identity.
We expect you to be honest no matter what it costs you.
Trust is built on honesty and integrity
Telling half-truths, cheating or lying destroys trust.
Trust is the foundation of all good relationships.
Mind of Christ
As a Christian you have the mind of Christ.
We want to teach you how to think more than what to think.
Therefore, you have permission to use your mind while you are here.