I don’t know how many of you watched the Revival Life episode with Kristian Lythe on April 8th 2021, here is a short clip from the show to catch up. There was an unction of the Lord on the word “reseeding the nation.” The Lord has been directing towards the support of the evangelistic move of the Gospel, and we believe that we as church must fore-run this in prayer. In terms of strategy, we’re hoping to tie up with evangelists and stand with them as Daniel Nash did with Charles Finney and prepare the ground for the seeding of the nation with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
I believe that there will be 3 stages of this forerunning movement:
1. Prepping – Discerning the spiritual atmosphere, geographical and statistical analysis of the region and God’s direction in entry. Those involved would be people with prophetic gifting, people with analytical minds and those who can do research and combine giftings. We also need people with pastoral hearts to understand and strategize with God on the restorative heart of God in these matters. We also need to discern what weapons for our warfare, so that we’re not shadow-boxing.
2. Prayer – This would be everyone, especially the intercessors. We will also need people who will go into regions and pray with God-given strategy. So this would be a good opportunity for those with apostolic, prophetic and evangelistic callings to step forward. We need people with teaching giftings to make declarations of truth over these regions in prayer.
3. Evangelism- We will need teams who are willing to go and pray and evangelise during the mission.
Sign up for the evangelism team
Next mission with Kristian Lythe is to Blackpool on 23rd May 2021.
Love & Blessings,
Pr. Preethy